The Glove Factory

A 100 year old manufacturing facility was being converted to office space. The building’s masonry exterior needed maintenance, and the customer was looking for ideas to finish the exposed terra cotta block walls. The scope of work included spot pointing as needed, reducing the height of the unused industrial flue and capping it, placing stucco over the exposed clay block and painting. Specially formulated pointing mortar was created in-house to suit the various masonry systems that existed in the structure. Several generations of brick masonry each received its own formulation. Approximately 8 varieties of portland cement based stucco mix were also specially formulated to find the optimum performer for the building. Lastly the building was painted with potassium silicate paint, also known as "mineral" paint. This breathable paint was made specifically for coating masonry and has unmatched durability. In fact, there are buildings in Europe over 100 years old that have been painted with potassium silicate paint that still have their original coating.


Fireplaces and Chimneys


Heritage Court Decorative Brick Chimneys